2019 Robot Test Field Drills (Fukushima Prefecture)

令和元年度ロボットテストフィールド活用訓練 令和元年度ロボットテストフィールド活用訓練2

令和元年度ロボットテストフィールド活用訓練3 令和元年度ロボットテストフィールド活用訓練4

Firefighting drills were conducted in the Mockup Tunnel and Urban Field by Fukushima Prefecture with the participation of the Soma Regional Fire Department, Fukushima City Fire Department, Date Regional Fire Department, Adachi Regional Fire Department, and Fukushima Prefectural Police Department.
These drills were aimed at establishment and checking of systems for liaison and coordination as well as operations among the various agencies in case of an emergency, and to enable them to respond quickly and precisely, with multiple fire brigades liaising across a wide area, using the scenario of a collision between cars on a road in a tunnel.